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Acerbi Animi, Sept. 29, 1932 (On Persecution of the Church in Mexico)
Apostolic Constitution Officiorum, Jan. 25, 1897
Divini Redemptoris, March 19, 1937 (On Atheistic Communism)
Humani Generis Redemptionem, June 15, 1917 (On Preaching the Word of God)
Humanum Genus, April 20, 1884 (On Freemasonry)
Mit Brennender Sorge, March 14, 1937 (On the Church and the German Reich)
Non Abbiamo Bisogno, June 29, 1931 (On Catholic Action in Italy)
Pascendi Domenici Gregis, Sept. 8, 1907 (On the Doctrines of the Modernists)
Quadragesimo Anno, May 15, 1931 (On Reconstruction of the Social Order)
Quas Primas, Dec. 11, 1925 (On the Feast of Christ the King)
Summi Pontificatus, Oct. 20, 1939 (Supreme Pontificate)
Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, Dec. 23, 1922 (On the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ)
Thread 1: The Jewish-Communist myth as rationale for the Holocaust and Germany’s 1941 invasion of Soviet Russia is well described by Prof. Jeffrey Herf, The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust (Cambridge: Belknap, Harvard Univ. Press, 2006). The myth enabled the Nazi regime to justify genocide and aggressive war as acts of German self-defense. For example, Hitler’s main henchman in carrying out the Holocaust, Heinrich Himmler, considered himself morally upright while mass murdering Jews in “self-defense,” as appears in Himmler’s private correspondence recently brought to light in the documentary Der Anständiger (English title: The Decent One)(2014).
Thread 3: Historians have assumed that the combination of nearly universal pre-existing antisemitism in Bavaria, and the prominent involvement of Jews in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Munich revolutions of November 1918 and April 1919 fully explain the widespread acceptance of the Jewish-Communist conspiracy theory in Munich and its centrality to Nazi ideology. E.g., Ian Kershaw, Hitler, 1889-1936: Hubris (London: Allen Lane, 1998), pp. 124-25 (Hitler, in his “ferocious attacks on the Jews” beginning in the second half of 1919, was “doing no more than reflect sentiments which were widespread at the time among the people of Munich”); Robert Ventresca, Soldier of Christ: The Life of Pope Pius XII (Cambridge: Belknap, Harvard Univ. Press, 2013), pp. 54-55 (because of Munich’s experience with Jewish radical political figures after World War One, “it was a logical step to view Bolsheviks and Jews as indistinguishable.”); Paul Hanebrink, A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism (Cambridge: Belknap, Harvard Univ. Press, 2018), p.13 (Bavaria’s Catholics “shared the belief that Bolshevism was caused or led by Jews.”)
Thread 8: It has long been known that some passages in the Protocols were plagiarized from Maurice Joly, Le Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (1864), and that some of the plot was taken from the chapter “At the Jewish Cemetery in Prague” in Herrmann Goedsche’s Biarritz (1868). E.g., Cohn (1996); Katz (1997). But the role of French scandal author Gabriel Jogand-Pagès, a/k/a Leo Taxil, in popularizing the Jewish-Masonic myth in the 1890s under the pseudonym “Docteur Bataille,” has long escaped historians, being covered instead by a novelist, Umberto Eco, in The Prague Cemetery (2011). The Protocols appeared in the decade after Pagès-Bataille’s work, with pervasive references to “the Jews” controlling the Masonic movement in a worldwide Jewish-Masonic conspiracy to destroy and dominate Western Civilization.
Vatican supervision of Civiltà Cattolica: Consistently from its formation in 1850 to the present, as a semi-monthly journal published by a select community of Jesuit priests, Civiltà Cattolica has been closely supervised by the Vatican in a formal process described by a long-time member of that community, DeRosa (1999): All material written for the journal is submitted in advance to the Vatican Secretariat of State; and the head of the community meets with the Secretary of State or the Pope to receive instructions giving approval, disapproval, or instructions for changes, prior to publication. According to DeRosa, the longstanding practice of the Vatican has been to review the content of Civiltà Cattolica for consistency with Catholic doctrine, with Vatican policy in regard to international affairs, and with prudential judgment as to opportuneness.